Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fushimi Inari, shinkansen, shinkansen, express, bus, and HOT SPRINGS

Earlier today we made a brief stop at the Inari Shrine. While i am not good with words, i will do my best to describe the absolute beauty of this place. A long twisting line of gates that one would walk through to get to the top of the mountain that this shrine was built on. Bright orange red set against the natural green beauty surrounding the walking path. I hope to one day return to this place and spend much more time there.

We are now on the Shinkansen back to Tokyo. If i were to ever live in Japan, i would live in Tokyo directly in the heart of Shinjuku. The people, the atmosphere, the lights, and the colors... All of it is an ideal city. Tokyo station is next. Byebye then :) - Rhea

Shinkansen rides are awesome. I have been learning and telling life stories. It is a great time to really get to know people on the trip. Also right before bed is a good time to get to know people because thats when we have some time to talk and relax.
-Andrew Torma

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